Qichen Song HQI Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University


Professional Experience

Postdoctoral fellow

Harvard University (Jan. 2022 – present)


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, minor in Physics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Feb. 2018-Jan. 2022)

Phonon and electron transport through interfaces and disordered structures

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sep. 2015-Feb. 2018)

Ab initio study of electron transport in lead telluride

B.S. in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Sep. 2011-June 2015)

On the effect of interlayer interaction on the thermal conductivity in folded graphene


Harvard Quantum Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2022-2024

Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program, 2020

Warren M. Rohsenow Fellowship 2015-2016

National Scholarship (three times) Nov. 2012 & 2013& 2014


TA for 2.57 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes, 2019 Fall

Instructor for Introduction to pump-probe spectroscopy for study of thermal transport in materials, 2022 IAP (with Dr. Jungwoo Shin)
